Equal work for equal pay in the UAE
Equal work for equal pay in the UAE
We find that there is a common (and flawed) misconception in the local market surrounding equal work for equal pay. Namely, that it only relates to the same job- so if a male and female are both Creditor Clerks, with similar experience, they should be paid the same. Yes, but what if one is a Creditors Clerk and the other is Debtors Clerk. Are both these two jobs the same? Are they of equal value? Are they substantially the same?
Unfortunately, the UAE President announced in 2020 that “the procedures, controls and standards necessary for evaluating work of equal value…” would be announced but to our knowledge, no further announcements have been made. Given this, we will use our experience in other countries where similar legislation has been passed, to provide employers with some guidelines and processes which should be implemented:
Step 1:
To identify which jobs are the same or of equal value, you must grade all positions in the organisation. Grading software has been specifically designed to immediately highlight any roles that are:
a) Identical; and
b) Similar or substantively the same
This allows you to immediately identify those roles which, independently of the individual’s filling the role, should be subject to the equal work for equal pay legislation.
Step 2:
Critically review the individuals/ groups of individuals within each grade to determine if the employment practices they are subjected to, can in any way be determined to infringe on their right to receive equal pay.
The legislation of most countries dictates that work performed by an employee is considered:
There is little doubt that the only way to comply with the UAE legislation or to prevent a disgruntled employee filing a complaint with the MoHRE, is to grade jobs.
Job Grading is simply the process of using a formal system and/or methodology to determine the relative value of all jobs in the organisation, which is objective, consistent and easily defendable. The normal inputs into determining a grade include the following:
To assist our UAE clients, we have developed a cost-effective grading tool.
AxioJob is a cloud-based job grading system which was designed with simplicity and ease of use in mind. The system was built on the premise of empowering HR professionals to do their own job grading without having to purchase other (more expensive) grading systems or without having to pay for external consultants to grade positions, thus reducing costs.
System Overview
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